15 Day Slow Wheelie Challenge

What is a slow wheelie challenge?

A slow wheelie is a controlled tire lift and being able to hold it for a couple seconds. The goal is to stay away from power wheelies (fast wheelies) and work on clutch up to get a tire lift and to use our throttle to keep the wheel up for as long as we can.

This is how it's going to work:

Start date is June 1st to June 30th

For the full month of June, you get to choose which days works best for you, to work on your challenge.

You must complete 15 days out of 30 days.

How to stay consistent with this challenge:

Schedule in your days that you plan on working on this challenge. It's going to require: Time, Appropriate Gear and Space! (might have to load bike up and drive to an area to practice.)

I created this as a 15 day challenge, to give you lots of time to pre plan your days going out. I understand that not everyone can practice every day.

You have 30 days to complete your challenge!

Sign up Here to get access to the group!

Good LUCK!!